NEWS RELEASE: KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair


2024 KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair: Helping Disabled Youth Discover their Potential

For immediate release February 26th, 2024 


Kansas City, MO – Families of youth with disabilities who are getting ready to graduate high school often say they feel like they’re driving toward the edge of a cliff. The transition to life after high school seems overwhelming because the students lose all the support systems they had in school, and they’re entering a confusing bureaucratic maze where many of the supports seem hidden in the maze, like secret doors. 

The KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair was designed to support youth with disabilities and their families connect with the supports in person, sign up for services or interview for jobs on the spot, and help them feel more confident in navigating the maze. 

For the third year, The Transition Academy is hosting the KC DIversAbility College and Career Fair, the city’s only metro-wide event focused on connecting young people with disabilities to supports, services, employers, college recruiters and job training programs to support their transition into adulthood. 

2024 KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair

Date: April 4, 2024  

Time: General Public Fair 3pm - 7pm 

Location: MCC- Penn Valley, Education Center, 3201 Southwest Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64111

The Transition Academy (TTA) started this transition fair to help youth discover their passion and purpose. TTA Founder Kim Riley wants young people with disabilities to see opportunities, not barriers. 

“Youth with disabilities should not feel overwhelmed and alone as they approach their graduation day,” Riley said. “Young people with disabilities are filled with dreams and goals and this fair helps them connect with the support needed to accomplish those goals.” 

The KC Diversability College and Career Fair is free but registration is required. This fair is designed to be interactive, with employers offering on-site job interviews, resume assistance workshops, and on-the-spot sign up for benefits, training, or services. 

To register for the fair go to


About The Transition Academy 

The Transition Academy (TTA) is a nonprofit organization focused on supporting youth with disabilities in Kansas City area public and charter schools as they transition from high school to a fulfilling post-secondary life. CEO Kim Riley founded the organization in 2019 after she struggled with her autistic son’s transition into adulthood. Riley decided that students with disabilities deserve to have a better transition, one that helps students with disabilities connect to their passion and purpose. TTA’s mission is to make economic inclusion a reality for youth with disabilities, especially for young people of color who have historically been failed by systems. Learn more at